Bocac HPP

The “Bočac” HPP was built on the Vrbas River.

It was first synchronized in 1981.

The most important characteristics of the “Bočac” HPP with appurtenant structures are given below:

  • Reservoir
Total volume52.1 million m3
Active volume42.9 million m3
Maximum operating level283 m a.s.l.
Regular operating level282 m a.s.l.
Mean inflow78.40 m3/s
  • Dam
Typeconcrete, arched
Dam crest elevation286 m a.s.l.
Construction height66 m
  • HPP
Maximum gross pad54.86 m
Minimum gross head51.46 m
Installed discharge240 m3/s
Installed power2 x 55 MW
Mean annual electricity generation307.5 GWh
Number of units2
Turbine typeFrancis, vertical

(Source: HEV Web site)

View from the downstream side
Dam and reservoir