Brodarevo II HPP

Location of dam and HPP

“Brodarevo II” dam and HPP are planned at the Lim River, at the chainage km 87+366. The location belongs to the municipality of Lučice and the nearest town is Brodarevo.

Wide location area
Narrow location area
Satellite image of HPP location

Profile hydrological properties from original documentation

Basic profile hydrological properties (as given in the original technical documentation) are:

  • Basin area: 2,879 km2,
  • Mean discharge: 74.374 m3/s,
  • Ecological flow: 10.40 m3/s and
  • Flood discharge referent for design of spillways: 2,290 m3/s (Q0.1).

Dam properties

Basic dam properties are:

  • Type: gravity, concrete dam,
  • Crest elevation: 490.4 m.a.s.l.,
  • Height: 45.95 m,
  • Length along the crest: 243.70 m,
  • Width at the crest: 8.00 m,
  • Storage evacuation structures: spillway, two surface and two submerged fields and
  • Total evacuation capacity: 2,290 m3/s (Q0.1).

Storage properties

Basic storage properties are:

  • Regular water level: 488 m.a.s.l.,
  • Maximum water level: 488 m.a.s.l.,
  • Minimum operating water level: 478 m.a.s.l.,
  • Total volume: 10.358 million m3 (at the maximum water level),
  • Active volume: 7.208 million m3,
  • Inactive volume: 3.150 million m3and
  • Surface area: 1.04 km2 (at the maximum water level).

Conduit properties

The plant belongs to non-diversion type.

HPP/Powerhouse properties

Basic HPP/powerhouse properties are:

  • Plant type: non-diversion,
  • Unit type: Kaplan,
  • Number of units: 3,
  • Installed discharge: 3 x 50 = 150 m3/s,
  • Tailrace water level: 460.64 m.a.s.l.,
  • Gross head: 27.36 m,
  • Head losses: 0.30 m,
  • Net head: 27.06 m,
  • Installed power: 33.1 MW,
  • Mean annual electricity generation: 129.1 GWh and
  • Connection voltage level: 110 kV.

Source: IWRM Country Report for Serbia, COWI, Stucky and Jaroslav Cerni Water Institute, 2017