The “Komarnica” dam and storage are planned in the canyon along the middle part of the Komarnica River course, at the chainage approximately km 50+000 (Piva River) between the existing “Piva” storage downstream and Nevidio canyon and town of Šavnik upstream. The location is called “Lonci” in the vicinity of the Dub village. It belongs to the municipality of Dub; the nearest town is Šavnik.

Profile hydrological properties from original documentation
Basic profile hydrological properties (as given in the original technical documentation) are:
- Mean discharge: 21.6 m3/s,
- Ecological flow: 2 m3/s (assumed) and
- Flood discharge referent for design of spillways: 1,017 (profile “Šavnik”), 1,187 (profile “Duba”) m3/s (Q0.1 with 95% confidence interval).
Dam properties
Basic dam properties are:
- Dam crest elevation: 818 m.a.s.l,
- Dam height: 176 m (construction height),
- Dam length at the crest: 177 m,
- Dam width at the crest: 5 m,
- Storage evacuation structures: 2 gated spillways + bottom outlet and
- Total evacuation capacity: 1,576 + 150 (at 816 m.a.s.l) m3/s.
Storage properties
Basic storage properties are:
- Regular water level: 818 m.a.s.l,
- Minimum operating water level: 760 m.a.s.l,
- Total volume: 220 million m3,
- Active volume: 160 million m3,
- Length: approximately 16.5 km.
Conduit properties
The plant (practically) belongs to the non-diversion type.
HPP/Powerhouse properties
Basic HPP/powerhouse properties are:
- Plant type: non-diversion,
- Unit type: Francis with vertical shaft,
- Number of units: 2,
- Installed discharge: 2 x 65 = 130 m3/s,
- Tailrace water level: 663 m.a.s.l (assumed),
- Gross head: 155.0 m,
- Loss head: 1.6 m,
- Net head: 153.4 m,
- Installed power (active): 2 x 85 = 170 MW,
- Mean annual electricity generation: 232 GWh and
- Connection voltage level: 400 kV.
Source: IWRM Country Report for Montenegro, COWI, Stucky and Jaroslav Cerni Water Institute, 2017